About A11ywatchbot

A11ywatchbot is the web crawler for the web accessibility engine a11ywatch.com.

The crawler gathers the HTML to validate websites that are scanned through a11ywatch.com. Only paid accounts have access to scanning entire websites.

Requests from A11ywatchbot set the User-Agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; A11ywatchbot/1.0; +https://a11ywatch.com/a11ywatchbot)
and originate from IPs where reverse DNS shows it in the *.a11ywatch.com domain. For example:

$ host

domain name pointerec2-3-142-27-87.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Standard directives in robots.txt that target A11ywatchbot are respected. For example, the following will allow A11ywatchbot to crawl all pages, except those under /app/:

User-Agent: A11ywatchbot

Allow: /Disallow: /app/

A11ywatchbot also supports the crawl-delay directive in robots.txt files. It interprets the value as the minimum duration, in seconds, between the start of consecutive requests. For example, assume you have specified the following in your robots.txt file:

User-Agent: A11ywatchbot

Crawl-delay: 5

We have an open-source early version of the crawler that extends spider the fastest web crawler OSS available on GitHub that we maintain.

If you have any questions, or if you think A11ywatchbot is disrupting your site, please do not hesitate to reach out at support@a11ywatch.com.

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