Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Stuck on a certain problem? Check some of these common gotchas first in the FAQ.

How many websites can I add?

Hobby accounts can scan any domain since no data is stored. All paid subscriptions on the Pro plan have the ability to add up to 50 domains.

How can I support the project?

A11yWatch allows multiple ways of contributing to the project. You can send BTC to the following address: 3EBwSQdPc43CFg8YGBRy3hj9ubihbnPEKv or help spread the word with links to

Can I upgrade or downgrade anytime I want?

Yes, upgrade and downgrades take effect immediately.

Do you ever do sales or discounts?

Negative. The price you are seeing today or are paying in your account now is the price set in stone. We've never done any discounts and planning to stay that way indefinitely.

How can I sign up as a company?

You have two main options for joining on A11yWatch as a company, brand or organization. Sign up from a regular user account under your organization's email. You can treat the general account as the main account for your company. The safest way to share account access is through the google sign on method.

Do credits last on subscription reset?

When you purchase credits they apply to your account reguardless of your subscription type. Changing your subscription keeps all credits prior even when your usage limit resets for the month.

Do you handle refunds?

For the most part we do not handle any refunds across our platform.

Help Spread the Word

Spread the word and evangelize A11yWatch linking to on your website, every backlink matters. Follow us on Twitter, like and retweet the important news. Or just talk about us with your friends. Give us feedback. Tell us what we're doing well or where we can improve. Please upvote (👍) the issues that you are the most interested in seeing solved.

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Get started with A11yWatch now for affordable and speedy automated web accessibility tools.