JS Integration with Litemode

Use JavaScript to start A11yWatch Lite on your local machine and test out an early slimmed-down version of the software.

Easy plug-and-play on any machine with Node.js

Scan a single page or entire websites in one go using efficient streams.

JavaScript Integration

Use npm or your favorite JavaScript package manager to install the Lite OS suite.

// npm install @a11ywatch/a11ywatch
import { scan, multiPageScan } from "@a11ywatch/a11ywatch";

// single page website scan.
const results = await scan({ url: "https://a11ywatch.com" });
// multi page website scan.
const resultsAll = await multiPageScan({ url: "https://a11ywatch.com", subdomains: false });

A11yWatch API Client

// npm install @a11ywatch/a11ywatch
import { setAPIToken, setA11yWatchURL, crawlWebsite, scanWebsite } from "@a11ywatch/a11ywatch/client";


// single page website scan.
const audit = await scanWebsite({ url: "https://mywebsite.com" })

// multi page website scan.
await crawlWebsite({ url: "https://mywebsite.com" }, (audit) => { 

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