Web Accessibility Checker


If you need to become ADA compliant, one of the first things to do is to evaluate your website with an online website evaluation tool. This allows you to get a report-style tackle list of your issues and how to fix them depending on the evaluation tool you use. In a way, you can look at this like your checklist to ensure the most basic needs to become inclusive. You can use our Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool at {{companyName}} to get your list of issues with spot-on results on how to fix your website and more. You can even use {{companyName}} to instantly fix a handful of your issues across your website!

Becoming ADA compliant is the most basic set of requirements for a decent web experience. Outstanding accessibility goes beyond any checklist out there; that's when you should hire experienced specialists to take your product to the next level. We have a network of consultants who can help both manually and automatically.

Jeff Mendez

My name is Jeff and I enjoy to build things and fishing on my downtime.

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